From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12

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Character Navigator

Character Navigator


- [Instructor] With the character pane of the navigator, Final Draft let's you venture into deep analysis of your script. This isn't about dialogue or scene structure. This is about what's going on in the internal lives of the make-believe people you've put into your make-believe world. Get to the character pane of the navigator by clicking on this icon in your toolbar. If your navigator is already displayed, click on the Characters tab here. The top half is a spreadsheet of your character's traits. From their role in your script, to their gender identity, ethnicity, age, job, and so on. You can work with the default values or add your own trait labels by clicking on this icon and choosing Add Trait. Once you've built up a detailed profile of your cast you can analyze the metadata down here. In what Final Draft calls the Inclusivity Analysis. On the right you can use these pull-downs to choose up to two trait categories.…
