From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I straighten a crooked photo?

How do I straighten a crooked photo? - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic: Tips and Quick Fixes

How do I straighten a crooked photo?


- Let's move on to fixing problems that are often caused during the shooting stage. Having a photo that's not correctly aligned. Maybe you didn't get the tripod quite level or you were shooting handheld. We'll also tackle some other problems that could be caused by perspective, or the angle in which you shot from. But the first one here is pretty easy, it's just a crooked photo. Let's go here into the library module and I'll select Folder 2: Perspective Problems. You should see five different images in there. I'm going to go ahead and sort here by the file name. It'll make it a little easier to see the images in the order we're going to tackle. Let's open up this first image here. In this case, you'll see that it's not quite straight. What we're going to do here is easily straighten things. To do this, let's switch to the develop module and we'll choose the Crop tool. Now, once you do that, an initial crop is applied. Sometimes this crop can be done in-camera as you see here, where…
