From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Add lashes

Add lashes


- In this video, we're going to just fill in the lashes a little bit, using Lightroom Classic, and some of you may be a little skeptical of if this is even possible, but thanks to the local adjustment brush, it is definitely possible. Let me show you how I do it. So we're going to zoom in really far. We're going to come over to our masking panel, and we're going to change, and we're going to choose our brush tool. Now, we've got a couple settings that are kind of important here. The size of my brush is 0.3, okay? I'm super zoomed in and the size is 0.3. The next thing that I want to do is decrease the exposure all the way, and then we'll take down our clarity and our texture significantly, okay? 'Cause we want a soft edge 'cause these lashes already have a soft edge. And then again, we're going to have a pretty low flow value to start with. So 24 is a good starting point. Now do you see the little hand icon with the…
