From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Burn to reduce distracting elements

Burn to reduce distracting elements - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Burn to reduce distracting elements


- So the other part of our dodging is going to be our burn section. And this is basically doing the opposite of what we've already done to some areas and applying it to other areas. So we've already done the dodging section which is going to bring some areas closer to camera. In this section, we're going to take other areas, push it away further from camera to create that illusion of 3D. Alright, so let's go ahead and do that. We're going to start by creating a new mask. We're going to use our brush tool again, but this time, instead of significantly increasing the exposure, we are going to decrease the exposure a lot. We're still going to keep our flow of our brush very, very throttled. And our feather is good. So we'll come in here, going to zoom in and we're going to start just burning certain areas that we want to push back. Make them look as if they are further away from camera. I'm just going to try and come in…
