From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Dodge to reduce distracting elements

Dodge to reduce distracting elements - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Dodge to reduce distracting elements


- So we'll start with our section on dodging and that's going to be very simple. We're going to go into our masking section, we're going to activate our brush tool, we're going to increase the exposure significantly, and then we're just going to start painting in at a very low flow. Those are the steps we're going to do, so let's do them right now. We're going to start with our masking icon, we're going to come in here, we're going to activate our brush tool. Let's go ahead and increase the exposure significantly. We're going to make sure our flow is really far down. And now let's go ahead and zoom in. And there are two different schools of thought when it comes to dodging or burning. Some of it is called micro dodge and burn, and the other of it is called macro dodge and burn. So what's the difference between those two? Macro dodge and burn is actually changing the overall shape of how the light is hitting. And then…
