From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Edit headshots and portraits in Lightroom - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Edit headshots and portraits in Lightroom


- Hi folks, Kristi from Shark Pixel here, I am thrilled to be with you today, talking all about the new features that have just been rolled out in Lightroom Classic. There are some game changing features that I'm going to talk all about today. We're going to see how AI has really changed the game when it comes to creating selections for us. And we're going to do this all in Lightroom Classic, so I cannot wait to show you all of the new things that have come out in Lightroom Classic. So we're going to start today with what the settings are that you need to have set within your Lightroom Classic to make it run as fast and as seamlessly as possible. We are then going to move on to a full overview of the new masking panel that we have within Lightroom. And then we're going to really dive into retouching people, whether it's one person in your photograph or multiple people in your photograph. The new masking selections, which are powered by AI, can really change and revolutionize the way you retouch all of your images, and I cannot wait to show you how all of this is done. So before we get started, I thought I would give you guys some free gifts today, and those are going to be a full outline of every single note from every single chapter of this course, and I definitely want you guys to go in and download those. And there are some free presets that incorporate the new AI feature masking in them as well. And those can also be downloaded from the link. It's So check that out, download all that good stuff, and then we can move together through this course, I have so much to teach you today and I can't wait.
