From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Eye masking tools


- In this section, we're going to talk about the window to the soul, which is the eyes, right? Everybody, when we are doing portraits, we really want to focus in on the eyes of the subject and instantaneously making that connection between the person viewing the photograph and the person in the photograph. So the eyes are definitely the most important thing. I know I touched on it earlier, given the new AI selection masks that we have at our fingertips, but we're going to just go over them slightly right now and then we're going to tweak the eyes so that they really pop off the page. Now she already has spectacular eyes to begin with, but if we come on into our masking panel which we see right up here, the icon for, we come down to our people section our new and improved people section right here. If we click on that person, what it's going to do is it's going to detect all of the features on the face. So instead of entire person, what we'd like to do is go in and make some eye specific masks. So we've got eyebrows, we'll make a mask for Eyebrows. For Eye Sclera, which are the eye whites, and Iris and Pupil. And those are going to be the three things that we focus on for our AI masking in this section. We do want to make sure that we create three separate masks because I would like to make separate adjustments to those three areas. So we'll make sure and activate that check mark and then we'll choose to Create Mask. So now if we look in our masking panel over here, you can see that we have the three masks that we created: our eyebrows, our eye whites, and our irises. Now for the eye whites, this is the one that's always like slightly off for me in its current state as of today. Now, this is constantly changing. Remember, all of these selection methods are powered by AI and machine learning, and that means it's constantly learning, it's constantly getting better. So even if it isn't perfect today, doesn't mean it's not going to be perfect tomorrow. So you constantly have to check back. All right, so for this one, we are going to add and subtract certain areas of our eye whites. So I'll start with adding and we'll go ahead and choose Add. And I'm going to use the brush for this. I will make sure that my flow is up quite high and I'm going to come in here and just work on this mask slightly. I don't want to go completely next to the iris but I would like it to include some of that area there. This would be a situation where activating your auto mask wouldn't be the worst idea in the world if you wanted to. Okay, if you felt like you couldn't, you were a little jittery, or you just, you know, drank your coffee or something like that. Now what I'd like to do, you can see that the eye white mask is bleeding a little bit onto areas that I don't want it to be. So I'll choose the Subtract button on the same mask too. Subtract button, and what tool do I want to use? I want to use the brush tool, and I'm going to subtract, make my brush a little bit bigger using the bracket keys, and I'm just going to subtract the areas that I do not want any eye white effect to be visible on, like the water line of the eyes and all that stuff. But they don't need to be softened. The water line is the inside rim of our eyelids. So sometimes it can be softened. Sometimes people actually paint it darker, but you can see it right here. It's that ridge that we see underneath our irises. So that's a good eye whites mask. I think it looks good. So now that I've tweaked the eye whites mask just a little bit, let's go back. Let's look over this iris mask. Okay, I can see a little bit there. Let's go ahead and tweak this one as well. Using the subtract and using the brush tool and just brush this off of the lashes there. And again, every day these masks are getting more specific, more intricate, and better aligned. So if they're not perfect today, at least they got you 95% of the way there and you just have slight cleanup to do. It's not like the old days where we'd have to paint everything by hand. That was crazy, right? Okay, so we've got our iris mask we've got our eye whites mask, and we have our eyebrow mask. I think that looks good as is. I'm not going to do massive changes to it. So that mask looks good for me. So with all of those masks created with a few clicks of the mouse and a little bit of cleanup, I'll be honest, we can move on to making adjustments on them.
