From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Fix under eyes and eyebrows

Fix under eyes and eyebrows - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Fix under eyes and eyebrows


- In this video, we're going to tweak the eyebrows and the under eyes, which are the stage of the eyes, right? So we're going to do a little bit of accentuating and also softening those under eye areas. Because we already have a brows mask created using our AI technology, it's very simple to activate our brows mask that we created in our last video. And we're going to go ahead and just darken the brows slightly, slightly, very slightly. So I'm just doing a 0.34 darkened exposure and then I really want to sharpen them. So just adding a little bit of sharpness to those brows, it's really going to make the eye of the viewer zone into those eyes. And who wouldn't? They're beautiful eyes, right? So now that we've made those adjustments, we can go on to the under eye area. So let me explain to you why we have dark circles or why we have under eye issues to begin with. The skin under our eyes is much thinner than the rest of…
