From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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History states

History states


- So whenever I'm traveling, I'm usually working on a laptop going from place to place. And let's face it, the processors on laptops aren't necessarily as robust as some of the desktop computers out there. So what can happen sometimes is if I'm really maxing out my Lightroom Classic getting rid of a lot of flyaway hairs or a lot of blemishes doing a lot of close up detail work my Lightroom can get kind of bogged down. And the reason why it can get bogged down is it's remembering every single step that I have done and it's placing that in a place called the History States. So let me show you how to clear those out. Sometimes if we look at this image here, I'm going to click on it for just a moment and I'm going to take it into the developed module by hitting the D-key on my keyboard. If we look over here on the left, you can see that underneath presets and snapshots which I both have compressed, you have the history. Now…
