From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Lightroom's new masking interface: Overview

Lightroom's new masking interface: Overview - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Lightroom's new masking interface: Overview


- We are going to be hitting the ground running straight into the newest features that have just been released in Lightroom Classic. And this all has to do with the new masking panel. Now, the masking panel itself is not new for this version, but there are some huge advancements which have come along. So let's talk about those first. I've got this image of my daughter. I'm going to double click on it and I'm going to hit D to bring it into my developed module. But before we go to the masking I want to take a moment to explain the difference between a global change or adjustment and a local change or adjustment. Because everything that we're going to be dealing with today is going to affect a portion of our image. It's not going to affect the entire image and that's the difference between a global adjustment and a local adjustment. Okay? That's why we have the local adjustment brush, right? It's not going to paint the effect…
