From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Lips select and colorize

Lips select and colorize


- In this video, I'm going to show you a very simple, easy way to change lip color. In some of my headshot sessions, especially if a model has come in and they have chosen a lipstick that has shimmer in it, a lot of the times the color that it looks in natural light is not going to be representative of the color that we see when we use strobe or flashes to light our subjects. And so when that happens, sometimes you have to do a little bit of reconstruction of what that color actually looks like. So for in this image, we can see that while we do see a little bit of color in the lips, it would be nice to have a little touch more pop of that color to really make those lips pop out. So we'll do that by starting where we've started all of our other sections which is activating our masking section and we're going to choose the people section down here. And we'll choose Person 1 from the bottom down here. We'll click on her. And…
