From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Preferences: Performance

Preferences: Performance


- Before we jump into the actual technical retouching or instructional section, I want to take a moment and talk about making Lightroom run as fast as it possibly can and as effortlessly as it can. And there are a couple settings that I think are important for you to know as the user. The first is going to be in your Preferences panel. So you can find that under the Lightroom Classic menu here. Lightroom Classic, we're going to choose that and we're going to go into our Preferences menu. So once you're in your Preferences pane, you want to make sure you look for the Performance subtab, and within there, if we zoom in, you'll see that our camera raw cache settings, you can see here that the size of the camera raw cache is usually by default, I think, set to about 10 gigabytes and I actually want to change this and make it much larger so I'm going to make it 40 gigabytes. So you might be asking yourself, "What exactly is the…
