From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Remove hard elements

Remove hard elements


- Because of the way Lightroom has the spot removal tools set up, sometimes it's harder to remove intricate items from your image, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Let me show you some of the tricks that I've created to help me on some of those very intricate areas where I'm trying to remove something. So we've got this area here where this hair is coming in and it's going across the eyebrow. So let's go ahead and try and remove it little by little. Okay, so I'm going to just click once and then I'm going to click right over here, right over that edge. I'm going to relocate my reference point just a little bit. I'm going to do the same for the top of that eyebrow. Now we'll do a little bit of another chunk. And remember, relocating every one is going to really help you get the best results possible. So if we go before and after, it's very easy and simple to remove an element that is, let's say, across something or…
