From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Selection changing options: Intersect

Selection changing options: Intersect - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Selection changing options: Intersect


- So when we're talking about creating the best mask possible, sometimes we're going to need to start with one method and we're going to need to refine using a second mask, or masking method. Now that is what we call intersecting. So we're going to start with one, like, say a radial gradient, which gives you a circle, but we only want the changes to be applied to a certain part of the pixels within that circle. I have this little image here that I'm going to just put on the screen for you. This is my Intersect example. So select sky is going to include the clouds. But you only want the effect to show on the sky, not the clouds, right, not the white clouds. So you're going to do a second selection using a method of Intersect, which is going to allow your mask of the sky to only be masking over the blue areas of the sky and not the clouds. And that's what you see in the middle of the two circles. So in this next image, I'm…
