From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Selection tools: Select Subject, Background, and Select Sky

Selection tools: Select Subject, Background, and Select Sky - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Selection tools: Select Subject, Background, and Select Sky


- So the first new newbie on the scene as I would like to call it is the Select Background option, because we didn't actually have that in previous versions of Lightroom. What we had was we had Select Subject and then we'd have to go in and invert that mask to change it to be selecting everything but the subject, AKA, the background. So what we've got now is we've got a dedicated button for Select Background which is basically everything but the subject. So I'm going to go ahead and create three different masks. I'm going to come in here and I'm going to choose Select Subject. That's going to create a mask of the subject flying in the sky. Now I'm going to go into a new button that's created called Create New Mask. I'll choose that one. I'm going to choose Select Sky. Now this one might get a little confused because we do have a cloud that I've added in this surreal composite. So if Lightroom doesn't necessarily…
