From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Skin selection options

Skin selection options


- In this chapter, we're going to talk about smoothing skin for any type of portrait you may have. We're going to start off by utilizing the newest features that we have at our disposal which are going to be the AI selection methods for both facial skin and body skin. So let's start there. So since I do have already some masks created I'm going to come to the Create New Mask button and I'm going to come down to Select People. Now, Select People is different than Select Subject, Select People. If we choose, that has this section over here where it's going to show you the different people that are in the image. And once you click on that person you have different masking selection options which we've seen before. So instead of choosing the entire person I'd like to create a mask for the face skin and for the body skin. And we are going to make sure that we create two separate masks because I feel like there are…
