From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Smooth skin


- In our previous video, we went in and fine-tuned our skin mask so we are ready to go when it comes to our skin smoothing. And I always like to make sure that I'm previewing the skin at 100% whenever I'm doing my skin smoothing. So I'll come over to the navigator area over here and I'm going to choose to make sure that this is set to 100% zoom. Okay, so right up here, we'll make sure we are set to a 100%. Now in this navigator area, if I open it up, you can see this is what we're looking at at the moment. And you've got an area here, you can change these. So 100% is always going to be available. But if you want to go in here, you can change these other easily accessible zoom variations. Fit is going to fit the entire image into the frame. 100% is self-explanatory. And 66% is just basically what I have the other one set to. So I can basically set this one to 200%. We could go really crazy, but for this, we're going to make sure that we are set to 100%. I'm going to go ahead and close this side panel and hold down my space bar and click and drag on the image to bring it into a nice area in the middle. Now I'm going to come down to my presence sliders, which can be found underneath the color section right here. Let's go ahead and decrease the texture just a little teeny tiny bit. Remember we have activated our mask three for this and I'm going to decrease the clarity slightly. So clarity's pretty heavy handed for our skin smoothing and texture is a little bit less heavy handed, but also, you don't want to take it down too far 'cause then it's just going to start looking fake, okay. So for me, I do a little bit of decreased texture and I do a little bit of decreased clarity and that's how I get the results that I like. So here's our before and our after. Our before and our after. Let me zoom out just a little bit so we can see at a different zoom preview. Before, after, before, after. I think that looks nice. I don't think it's too far. I'm happy with the results. So at this point, let's go ahead and move on to our body skin. So the first thing I do is I try to visually look at the difference between the body skin and the facial skin and see what kind of differences I see. The facial skin looks a bit brighter than the body skin, so I can either brighten the body skin or I can darken the facial skin to match those two up. Let's go ahead and use the facial skin and maybe just slightly darken. We'll do a little bit of both, right? We're going to darken the facial skin just a touch and we might brighten the body skin just a touch to kind of meet in the middle. Alright, so that's the first change that I'm going to do for the body skin. So just increasing the exposure just a little bit. Good, and then, we will come in, we're going to decrease the clarity slightly, decrease the texture slightly. And there we go. I think that that looks really nice. I'm going to decrease the exposure just a touch. So now that I've decreased the brightening of the body skin, go ahead and we can turn on and off the body skin mask and the facial skin mask. Okay, and if I turn on and off all of the masking that we've done so far, we can do that, showing the before and the after. You can see the results still look really nice and realistic. Just polished a little bit softer. And I'm much happier with this result. In the next video, I'm going to go in depth on what's the difference between texture, clarity and de-haze.
