From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Spot healing: Custom opacity

Spot healing: Custom opacity - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Spot healing: Custom opacity


- One really nice feature about using these specific spot removal tools is that you're able to have custom opacities on each one of the areas that you are trying to remove. So let's say we have an area with under-eye skin and that under-eye skin is slightly a different color or we want to brighten it a bit but we don't want to completely replace the pixels that are there with new pixels. We want to do a bit of a blend. So for this, what I'll do is I'll switch over. And I'm going to activate my clone stamp. And I'll come down here and I'm just going to go under the eye here 'cause we can see that there's a little bit of darker skin and that kind of thing. Now, this area I don't really think is the best reference area to choose. Instead, I'd like to just use this area right there on the forehead, okay? And I'll show you why in just a moment. So we can tell that this does not look good whatsoever. Because this is…
