From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Sync multiple adjustments across images

Sync multiple adjustments across images - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

Sync multiple adjustments across images


- One huge advancement that has not gotten anywhere near as much love as I feel like it should get is the fact that these AI masks are syncable across different images of any different model and in any circumstance. Because what the AI mask is going to do is going to look at those additional images, scan those images, reference the person within them, find the lips. For example, we're going to sync lip color change across multiple images, and then we'll apply those same slider settings to all of the additional images. So the really powerful thing about these AI masks is that they are unique to the image that you're working on. So let me show you how to completely just cut your retouching time, slash it into a fraction of what you used to be spending your time retouching because this is going to be huge. The first thing that I want to do, if we look at our mask here, we'll see our additional color that we added to our…
