From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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- I hope everyone out there can start to see why I have been so excited about these new revolutionary editing tools at your fingertips when it comes to Lightroom Classic. The new tools that they've rolled out, the fact that they are AI-backed and AI-powered is going to completely change the game for every single person who takes photographs and uses Lightroom, not just portrait photographers, literally anyone out there. So I'm really glad that you took the time and you stuck through it and you stayed with me till the end of the course. I wanted to let you know, please, please download all the free presets that I've created for you. They are going to be available at I can't wait for you to check them out, and remember that there is a ton of PDF notes along with those freebies. So everything that you need to supplement your course, you can find on that link. So thank you so much, I hope…
