From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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The power of the local Adjustment Brush

The power of the local Adjustment Brush - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

The power of the local Adjustment Brush


- So nested within the masking panel is my favorite tool and that is the local adjustment brush tool. Now, it is definitely useful, but now that we have all of those AI selection masks, it's not necessarily as important as it used to be but I still use it on every single image and we still really need to know how the brush works because there's so much power behind being able to use a free hand brush to do a plethora of changes in one brush stroke, just as is. It's really important to learn this tool. Okay? So it is a little bit hidden. So let me show you where it is. So within the masking section, we click on our masking section and we have our add new masks and which way and which tool would you like to use? And within that you'll see the brush tool. Now this has a keyboard shortcut of k. So anytime you hit k on your keyboard, it's going to create a free hand brush to use in that way. So we've got some changes here that…
