From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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What are Dodge and Burn?

What are Dodge and Burn?


- One of my all-time favorite techniques to teach is dodge and burn. And this goes back to our days before Photoshop was even a thought in someone's head. Dodge and burn is a technique that really does go back to the beginning of photography. What it is, is it's darkening certain areas of your image and brightening other areas of your image to create a certain effect. Now, most of the time, that effect is trying to create depth in your images because we got to remember that photographs, at the end of the day, are two-dimensional, okay? They're a piece of paper that has an x-axis and a y-axis, but it does not have a z-axis, right? So we have no depth, so we have to actually create the illusion of depth using dodge and burn, using brightening and darkening. When you brighten certain pixels it brings that area forward, giving the illusion that it was lit with more light, meaning that it's closer to camera. When you…
