From the course: Lightroom: Retouching Faces

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Whiten teeth

Whiten teeth


- Whitening teeth is something that all photographers need to know how to do. But thankfully, now that Adobe has come out with these amazing, AI-powered selection tools, it is infinitely easier to do and achieve, with a few clicks of the mouse. I cannot wait to show you how we do it. This is an image that I've downloaded off of Adobe Stock. If you'd like to download this image, a preview of this image, to see how it works, you can absolutely do that, and all of the previews are free. The first thing I want to do, take it into my develop module by hitting the D key. Next, we are going to access all of our masking again, and we're going to go down to our people section over here. Now you can see after the image has been processed, using the AI tech, you can see that the technology has found all six of the people in the image. So, say you just photographed this for a client, and the client emails you and says, I need you to…
