From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

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Adding video and motion graphics

Adding video and motion graphics - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

Adding video and motion graphics


- [Instructor] We'll take a moment here to walk through how to upload videos and motion graphics to your profile. So going back to Josh's profile, I'm going to scroll down and let's add a video to his summary section. We're going to click the edit button, scroll down to the bottom, and here we're going to click link. And for videos, you have to have links either on YouTube or Vimeo, and we've already uploaded a couple videos to YouTube so I'm going to jump over to our TextEdit document, copy the link here, jump back in, and then paste it and click add. And here you'll see a preview of the video. It'll just bring over the YouTube title, and we can edit it however we want. Underneath the title it'll port over the description as well, and we'll keep it. We'll just delete the cut off sentence, and then click apply, hit save, and then if we scroll back, we can now see the commercial. And then we'll play a quick sample of it. And that's how you add a video to your summary section. And along…
