From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

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Creating your profile photo

Creating your profile photo - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

Creating your profile photo


- [Instructor] Next to your name, your photo's the first thing people see when they view your profile on LinkedIn. It takes only a tenth of a second for people to form an impression of you based on your photo. In that split second, your photo either conveys trustworthiness and competence or it doesn't. With that in mind, your photo's a critical cornerstone of your LinkedIn profile and it is worthwhile to invest some time and energy in how you want to craft this photo and what you want it to say about you, so here are some do's and don'ts. Do have a profile pic. LinkedIn profiles that have a photo are 14 times more likely to be viewed compared to ones that don't. Do smile, you want to convey energy and enthusiasm. Do keep your wardrobe on message. Dress for a job you have or want to have. For those veering more on the corporate side, a dress shirt and blazer would be a good combination. A suit would be appropriate here, but be aware that if you ever try to transition over to more of a…
