From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

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Filling out your summary

Filling out your summary - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

Filling out your summary


- [Instructor] Your LinkedIn summary will function as your professional biography and as a critical place to market your skills and tell your story. The first step is to identify your target audience that will read your summary on LinkedIn and decide what key points you need to convey to them quickly. Because your summary is often public, it is a great place to give visitors a glimpse of your personality and to showcase your passions and talents. For people directed to your LinkedIn profile from an online search, your summary will function as a defacto cover letter. One way of thinking about your LinkedIn summary is to compare it with how an author's bio functions on the back cover of a book. It doesn't tell you their entire life story, but it does give you enough information that it's relevant to the book you are reading. The next step you want to do is create a list of your expertise. What unique perspectives do you bring to your current role and past ones? Try to identify what sets…
