From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

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Integrating your portfolio into profile

Integrating your portfolio into profile - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

Integrating your portfolio into profile


- [Instructor] LinkedIn allows you to upload or embed work samples in several areas of your profile. You can upload 'em either under your Summary section or under Individual Positions under Experiences or Education. While you can link to your portfolio website on your LinkedIn profile, it's a great idea to have a few samples of your work embedded and displayed within your profile as well. This will give potential employers and connections a quick insight into your work visually without leaving the platform, and will make your profile stand out from the crowd. In this video, we'll be looking at how designers can integrate their design portfolios into their profile. There are several areas in a profile where you can add rich media. Summary, Experience, Education. To add an external file or link to each of these sections, first make sure your profile is set to be editable. Click on the pencil icon, then scroll down to the bottom of the modal window, and you'll see a media upload and link…
