From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

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Setting up your profile

Setting up your profile - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: LinkedIn for Designers

Setting up your profile


- [Instructor] The process is fairly easy but the key is to fill our your profile as completely as possible. First thing, after creatin' your initial profile is configurin' the major components, the big pieces of your LinkedIn profile and circlin' back and fillin' out the details over time. Gettin' to 100% might take days or weeks for some people. If you're new to LinkedIn there are already several courses in the library under or LinkedIn Learning to help you set up a basic LinkedIn profiled. These can be a great starting point to set up the foundation of your LinkedIn profile. Here we'll look at the major sections or components of your account and see how each piece contributes to the whole. For additional information regardin' set up of basic LinkedIn profile, you can also check out these other courses. There's Learning LinkedIn with Oliver Schinkten, Job Hunting Online with Jolie Miller, that features using LinkedIn to find a job, and Publishing on LinkedIn for College…
