From the course: Making a Short Film: Start to Finish

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Producer’s challenges

Producer’s challenges


- And lastly, we come to the producorial challenges. Now if you're directing and producing this, you do need to try and take your director's hat off. It can be difficult, but you really do need to try and look at this stuff from a producer's perspective. And by that I mean looking at things sort of pragmatically and practically with an eye of this really necessary or are there other ways to do this that can save us some time, money grief all of those things. So some of the producorial challenges that you might be able to identify when you're looking at your script. Scheduling stuff and by that, what I'm talking about is not like people's availability and their ability to work on, your project. But how is the script is written going to impact your schedule? So for example, if you have a ton of night scenes, one of the challenges there is that you're going to be doing a night shoots, which can be a lot harder…
