From the course: Making a Short Film: Start to Finish

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- Now one of the most commonly overlooked, especially when you're just starting our, aspects of the filmmaking process is sound and it really, really shouldn't be. Sound is so important. An audience, especially when they're looking at something that they know was from a first-time creator or was low-budget, they're often likely to forgive some of the technical elements in the imagery as long as the story is really engaging. But the problem is, if you have bad sound, they can't follow the story well enough to know if they're going to forgive these other things. So that's why it's worth really understanding what you're looking for in sound and making sure that you get it right. So, first and foremost, what you're looking for from production sound is good, clean sound. The volume levels are right, there isn't noise that shouldn't be there, that is, in other words, you're recording the things you want to record and not getting…
