From the course: Making a Short Film: Start to Finish

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Working with actors on set

Working with actors on set


- You've had some great rehearsals, you and your cast are feeling good about the performances that you've started to craft. And now it's just a question of carrying that over to set. And the question is, how do you do that? Because set is hectic, it's crazy. You're going to be pulled in a lot of different directions beyond just working with actors, you're going to be pulled in directions having to do with camera and scheduling and lighting. So how do you work with your actors on set in such a way that you're still able to get those performances you're working towards, and so that they feel like they're not an afterthought, but still part of the process with you. So the first thing is to understand what your cast needs from you. They don't need every minute of your time when you're on set, but what they do need is quality time, right? So when you're having a discussion with your actors, when you're giving them a note or…
