From the course: Making Video 2: Teach Something

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Refining the multicamera edit

Refining the multicamera edit


- So we just put together a basic rough assembly by stringing out the moments within the wide shot that constructed the narrative of Pamela's cooking demo. Now it's time to start using the closeups from the other camera that we captured with the second phone, and from the punch ins on the main camera to help smooth things out and achieve better flow. Again, just a note, because of the beginner level of this course, we'll be doing the manual method of editing with multi-camera footage. Not the traditional multi-cam workflow. So in using our closeups, it's really a matter of finding the same or a similar moment that we used in the wide shot, and then editing it in to create a better sense of visual consistency. Now the reason I say the same or similar shot is that we may often choose to actually move forward in time in the closeup so that it works better in getting through an activity that otherwise takes much longer. In that sense, in this video, we're stylistically choosing to…
