From the course: Making Video 2: Teach Something

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Scheduling the shoot and nailing down logistics

Scheduling the shoot and nailing down logistics - HitFilm Express Tutorial

From the course: Making Video 2: Teach Something

Scheduling the shoot and nailing down logistics


- We've already done so much in terms of figuring out exactly what Pamela wants out of this video. And certainly understanding the audience, crafting the message, embracing teaching strategies, designing that structure and style, and getting specific with the script is really most of what we need to be successful before we shoot the video, but there are a few more logistics that I want to cover before the camera starts rolling. The first thing I want to talk about is location scouting. When finding a location, it's important that it's a good option for hosting a video production. At the very least, the space should be aesthetically linked to the subject in some way either thematically, aesthetically, or even as a more neutral backdrop that doesn't detract from the message of the video. The location needs to be accessible for the entire time of the shoot, and it should be a quiet space removed from uncontrollable outside influences. It should be spacious enough to accommodate the…
