From the course: Management: Top Tips

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Understanding their weaknesses

Understanding their weaknesses

From the course: Management: Top Tips

Understanding their weaknesses


- Now, as well as preparing your walk-away point and your opening offer, and perhaps looking at the market generally for alternatives, another very important thing to prepare, and people often forget this one, is to think about the weaknesses that the other person may have. Let's say you're thinking of buying a house. Now, you'll be only too aware of your own weaknesses. You'll know that you're desperate to buy that house, it's the only one you can find that you like, you're under time pressure to move, et cetera. It's very easy to dwell on your own weaknesses, but of course you don't want to feel weak. And the way to avoid dwelling on your own weaknesses is to focus on the other person's potential weaknesses. So ask yourself in the preparation phase what weaknesses might the seller of the house have? Maybe they're under time pressure to move, or maybe they know that the house has been overpriced or whatever. So think about what weaknesses they may have, and that makes you start to…
