From the course: Managing Employee Performance Problems

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Lead with accountability

Lead with accountability


- Have you ever wanted to change something you weren't particularly excited about? And since you knew that each attempt would be a struggle, even painful, you knew you needed something positive and pleasurable to overcome those negative feelings. I'm thinking, perhaps, a nice bowl of mint chocolate ice cream (laughs)? Though you may not realize it, this approach to change uses basic brain science. You've created a brilliant two-punch plan that includes accountability and reinforcement. And you know, managers can do exactly the same. Positive reinforcement is not practiced enough in management today. How can you tell? By a myriad of surveys reflecting a consistent sentiment that employees feel underappreciated or that their achievements go unrecognized. And it's not that managers are unaware. In a survey conducted by, 75% said they realize a failure to express gratitude has a negative impact on employee motivation. And despite this, 41% admitted they don't thank their staff…
