From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Being ethically visible

Being ethically visible


- We've already talked about the idea of ethical visibility in connection with managing up. Now, I want to extend that idea in working with your teammates. Have you ever worked with someone that, it seems like they're always talking about themselves, they're always making everything about them? Hint, don't be that person. That person is not influential at all. Yes, I want you to participate in meetings and discussions. I want you to show that you care and have things to say. But if you're an extrovert, I don't want you to dominate that meeting. If you're an introvert, I want you to make sure that you're commenting, as appropriate. Sometimes you might feel that you don't have anything else to add, but it's okay to say, "Hey, I like the direction we're heading here. "I don't have anything else to add. "This is great." By doing that, people know that you care, they know you're engaged, and they know you're not…
