From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Building a relationship with your boss

Building a relationship with your boss


- How is your relationship with your manager? What is your comfort level in talking with them? How well do you know them? Your answers to these questions have a huge impact on how influential you can or could be with them. First of all, notice I said, relationship not friendship. You might've got kind of freaked out thinking, I don't want to be friends with my boss. I don't even know if that's appropriate. We won't dive into that deeply, but I'm not necessarily talking about a friendship. I'm talking about having a strong, working relationship, level of comfort and interest in them. What is your level of connectedness? What do you have in common with them? Do you have things that you can talk about outside of the work and the weather? If not look, for those chances to find and build connectedness. What is the frequency of your interaction? If you only interact with them occasionally, once in a while, when you have to,…
