From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Influencing others with intention

Influencing others with intention


- Congratulations on taking this course in investing in yourself to get better results. Let me close with three observations. First, managing up, down, and across the organization is done best when we stop thinking about managing and focus, instead, on having greater influence. And while position and power in relationship to us is always a reality, in the end, we influence not based on position or lack of it, but human to human, understanding the style, needs, and goals of others. You are on a path, a path of being more influential, of making a bigger difference. That path doesn't end with this course, or even when you apply the ideas you have learned. And while our journey together is now ending, I'd love to be on your path of development and growth far into the future. Here are some ways I can help. You can check out my other courses here on LinkedIn Learning, or you can visit our website at…
