From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Is it managing or influencing?

Is it managing or influencing?


- I know this course is about managing up, down, and across the organization, but do you want to be managed? And what exactly are you trying to manage anyway? While that language, up, down and across, is common and useful to communicate the idea and outcome of this course. For the rest of this course, we're going to focus on something different, influencing up, down, and across the organization. How do you feel about influence? Would you rather be managed, or influenced? I bet I know the answer, and don't you bet others would feel the same way? Well, what exactly is the difference? To manage implies that we're focusing on power and even position, which is why it's a hard thing to think about managing up, or I don't know how to manage people I don't lead. Influence on the other hand, well, let's look at the first two definitions from Merriam-Webster. One, the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or…
