From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Manage, lead, or influence?

Manage, lead, or influence?


- At the start of this course, we talked about managing up, down, and across the organization, and that being all about understanding position, but highlighting your influence. That mindset shift has been important throughout. Now I want to help you specifically think about your role as an influencer, as the boss, supervisor, manager, or leader, and how it will best serve you as an influencer. So let me ask you a question. Do you want to be managed, or led? I'm guessing you'd prefer to be led. You'd prefer to have someone lead you rather than manage you. And that's a place that looks more like influence, right? Do you want to be told or do you want to be influenced? I'm guessing you'd prefer to be influenced. And so if those two things are true for you, then that's the approach you should take with your team. Think about yourself as a leader and influencer, not as a manager. Think about your role as being one of creating…
