From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Managing up to the personality, not the position

Managing up to the personality, not the position

From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

Managing up to the personality, not the position


- Perhaps this section, managing up, is why you're taking this course. If so, I understand. But before you simply dive in here, I hope you go back to the first few videos. They will give you background and help your mindset when it comes to influencing your boss. I know, they are your manager, your supervisor, your leader. They are your boss. You have ideas and input you want to share with them, but you don't know how to do that when they are, you know, they are in charge. Let me give you a couple of ideas to help you get past this mental hurdle. They are human first. As a person who has been a boss for a long time, let me tell you this. I'm human. And while I might be a manager during the day, I'm a human every minute. And so is your boss. And so every human and every boss is different. You've had more than one supervisor in your life, right? They weren't all the same, right? And so why would you need to…
