From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Moving beyond positional power to manage

Moving beyond positional power to manage


- There is a good chance you're here because you want to be influential in spite of the lack of positional power. That is fine, but it's likely a bit, well, maybe a lot misinformed. If you feel like you must have positional power to be truly influential, you aren't really focused on influence at all. You're focused on compliance. And if you're here for tricks to get people to listen to you when you don't have positional power, you're actually fortunate, because there's more than just tricks. There's more ways that you can be influential than simply through position. Here is a list of ways to be influential. As I talk about this list, think about how each of these is true for you in reverse. Build greater trust. When there's greater trust between two people, each person is more likely to be influenced by the other. Build a relationship. Well, when you have a relationship with someone, you're more open to their ideas…
