From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Seeing your role in the bigger picture

Seeing your role in the bigger picture


- If you want to be more influential with those you work with, you need to think bigger, think broader, and think more inclusively. Here's what I mean. First, your job isn't just your work. Your job is your work, plus the team's work. When we see ourselves as a part of something bigger than ourselves, we have a much better chance to be successful, and be seen in a new ways by other people. So that means, think about your bigger contribution. When you see yourself in this bigger light, you can start to say, what can I do to help? What can I do to contribute? What else can I bring to the table? When we start to do that, others will see us in that stronger, better light. Next, simply act as a part of the team. Offer to help, raise your hand to volunteer, see what you can do to offer assistance to anyone whenever they need it. Yes, you have your own work to do, but remember, helping others is now a part of your…
