From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Setting clear expectations with direct reports

Setting clear expectations with direct reports

From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

Setting clear expectations with direct reports


- Stop for a second and think with me, have you ever had a job where you weren't clear exactly on what was expected of you? How did that feel? How did it impact your confidence? Also, how did it impact how you felt about the leader? And to the point of this course, how influential was that person, that leader, with you? The fact is, that as a leader or manager, when you set clear expectations with team members, your trust level with them will be higher and you will have more influence with them. So here's how to set those expectations. First, be clear yourself. I've talked to hundreds of leaders that weren't really clear on what they meant or wanted from their folks. Make sure you're crystal clear on what your expectations are before you share with them. Then, create a conversation. We want to make sure they understand those expectations so it isn't just, let me read them off to you. Do you get it? No, you want to…
