From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Understanding what is important to your manager

Understanding what is important to your manager

From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

Understanding what is important to your manager


- People who are influential with you are people you know understand what is best for you. The same is true for your manager. Remember, human first. When they see you supporting and helping them reach their goals, they're more likely to be interested in what you have to say. This comes down to two ideas, having clear motives and providing real value from their perspective. Doesn't matter what you're trying to do if they don't see it. But we can't do that until we understand what their goals are. How do you do that with your leader? Well, first look at the documentation. What are the team or organizational goals? You have that information. You know where you're trying to go as a team. That matters to your manager. Listen to what they talk about in meetings, in your one on ones, what seems to be their biggest issues or areas of focus? Watch what they do. Their behavior will tell you a lot about their priorities.…
