From the course: Managing Up, Down, and Across the Organization

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Understanding your manager's style

Understanding your manager's style


- I've given you some important general advice when it comes to influencing your manager or managing up, but not every leader is the same. In fact, you might have been thinking, "But Kevin, you don't know my manager." And in fact, chances are you're right. I don't know them. So let's talk about style and individual differences in leaders. Yes, not all managers are the same, but neither are all of the other people in your life. I mean, do you adjust how you interact with different people in your life? If you're as successful and insightful as I bet you are, I know you do that. So treat them as an individual. Here are some specific ideas that will help you given their position as the boss. What are their expectations of you? Do you know what they view as success from you? If not, ask. If you know, make sure you're delivering. Because if you're delivering on all of their expectations, the chances of you being influential,…
