From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Communicating risks to the M&A team

Communicating risks to the M&A team


- [Narrator] At this point, you should be familiar with phases one through five of the cybersecurity due diligence process. We already covered how to gain a deep understanding of the target company's security posture and how to identify risks and other areas of concern. Now it's time to jump to phase six, which involves communicating the identified risk to the M&A team leadership so that they can take informed decisions about the deal. Your first focus when communicating the risk is to share those risks, which are above the risk appetite of your organization as these could have a significant impact on the deal. Also shared the results of compromise diagnostics and any identified risks. We need to remember that as security professionals, our job is not to say no for the deal, but to be problem solvers by helping the M&A team to understand the risks, and enable them to take informed decisions while minimizing the risk to…
