From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Cybersecurity risks in M&A: I & II

Cybersecurity risks in M&A: I & II


- [Narrator] The process surrounding M&A, which involves transfer of ownership or control of one company to another can be highly complex because it involves the exchange of sensitive financial data and proprietary business information. The cybersecurity risks associated with these transactions can make or break a deal. So it is critical that we ensure that this information is protected throughout the process against any cyber threats such as data breaches, cyber espionage, or cyber attacks. Now that we understand the basics of mergers and acquisitions, and why companies opt for this type of inorganic growth, let's shift gears and learn about cybersecurity due diligence in a M&A deal. But before we dive in, let's first look at the main cybersecurity risks in M&A transactions. The number one risk to consider is insider threats. We need to be mindful that our people, yes, our own employees who have access to…
