From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Key cybersecurity steps in M&A

Key cybersecurity steps in M&A


- [Lecturer] There are cybersecurity risks involved at each phase of the mergers and acquisitions process. So cybersecurity should be well thought of right from the start to help identify key risks as early as possible to enable the business to make quick and timely decisions, rather than waiting till the end of the process. Now, let's cover some key cybersecurity considerations the team should have during each phase. At the pre-merger phase, the focus should be on asking questions about legal and regulatory compliance to make sure that the cybersecurity laws and regulations of industry verticals and geographical locations are being well considered. For example, what if a company which has never worked with storing health information is all of a sudden acquiring a healthcare company and now they need to comply with the health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA? That would be something that…
