From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Objectives of M&A

Objectives of M&A


- [Instructor] Now that we understand the key ways companies can grow inorganically, let's discuss the key objectives behind mergers and acquisitions, commonly referred to as M&A. Each merger and acquisition deal is unique with different objectives and intended outcomes. Some deals focus on acquiring talent while bringing similar organizations together. This helps the buying organization fill specific talent gaps and skills shortages. By gaining access to a broader pool of skilled employees, the organization strengthens its expertise and capabilities, helping them accomplish bigger and better things while saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on recruiting and training new employees. For example, in 2019 when I was working at Nike, the business had a need to predict what its customers wanted and how to source and stock products to meet those needs in a timely manner. But Nike did not have in-house predictive…
